guided and embroiled in war. But any critical person cannot deny the conflicts, the hatred,
the wars and unrest, the hunger and the misery in this world, the splitting up of nations, the
still escalating racial hatred in EVERY country of this world, the striving for independence,
the powerlessness of the rulers, the corruption of the politicians, the escalating perversion
and brutality of humanity, the unlimited indebtedness of the states, the instability of the
currencies, the economic crises, the collapse of agriculture, the unemployment, the unrest
amont the populace and above all the godlessness of the people.
It is rather a strange coincidence that the present situation of the world so perfectly fits the
Protocols and that the plan of Albert Pike has been translated into action with such
frightening accuracy.
would also like to recall the fact that five ROTHSCHILD agents were
present at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which can be verified in any history book.
They acted as ADVISORS to the leaders of England, France and the U.S. And since we
know that the treaty was fashioned in such a way that war was absolutely inevitable
EVERYBODY will see what had been the advice of the ROTHSCHILD AGENTS.
about this conscientiously.
To quote Franklin D. Roosevelt:
In politics nothing ever happens accidentally! If something occurs, you can be sure that it
had been planned that way!
Thus I come to the conclusion that up to this point in history all the important events in
politics and finance run according to the Illuminatis guidelinges.
Only those in the know can
see the interrelation.
If you think back to the subject of information control and to the list of
names, you will understand why only very few really know.
This is also the reason why
Hitler had all the occult and educational literature burned. As Dieter Ruggeberg says:
Occultists can only be recognized by occultists!
An atheist or materialist will never understand or be able to follow the trains of thought or the
motives of an occultist. One distinguishes between constructive (or positive also called
spiritualists) and destructive (or negative) occultists; the positive uses his knowledge of the
spiritual laws to understand life and thereby to help himself and others, the negative uses it
exclusively for himself, i.e. for the realization of his own ego.
Thus the highest occultists (negative in this case) of the planet, the Illuminati, the elite and
all their follower lodges occupy, as the uppermost levels in finance, politics, economics,
religion and science, almost all the leadig positions and they use the old satanic knowledge
for their plans.
On the other side are the six billion people who purposefully are kept
ignorant in falsified religions, atheism, realism, materialism and trusting science, thus speak
different language and exist in this world with nary an idea what is really going on.
Confirming this, Ruggeberg writes that:
All those atheists and agnostics who chorus with the progressive section of the Church
that occultism and magic is only a daft superstition do not at all realize that they fell prey to a
willfully planned politics of certain church and lodge circles. Many a famous atheist would
turn in his grave if he knew that his honors and decorations were put on them by members
of occult orders and lodges to use him as a tool for the dissemination of certain misleading
ideas. (Geheimpolitik Secret Policy).
They had planned both World Wars (and the coming one, too), financed and won them.
They also brought the bane of drugs upon us.
They plan and cause expansions and
depressions in the economy of the nations and use political and economic events to their
advantage and to the detriment of the populace. This is also the reason why they are so
inconceivably rich. These people on the one hand want to be respected and worshipped,
while on the other hand and in secret they bring disaster to the nations and instigate wars.
Over the centuries they have created opposing sides to confuse people, and then use
others who work for them to stand at the front and do the dirty work.
If something goes
wrong, the puppets are blamed and not the puppeteers.