A majority of humanity actually believes that if a war breaks out today, the nation concerned
was also the perpetrator.
Those believing themselves clever by proclaiming that certain
nations were predestined for war, like the Evil Russians or the Yellow Peril or Germany
Forever Fascist are either acting stupid or actually are stupid.
Where do you believe a Chinese, Russian, Arab, German, American, Serb or any other
government gets the money to build its armaments industry? Do you really think that there
is one nation who could build an armaments industry with their own savings?
Today there is
not a single nation on this world that is not so indebted that it could exist without credits from
the international bankers.
Do you think the Serbs have enough money for arms to wage
their war with?
If the Russians had ever started a world war, from where do you think would
they have lent [borrowed?] the money? Naturally from the international bankers.
It is not for nothing that Rothschild owns a bank in the Kremlin. This is why they are called
They are not especially concerned about England or the U.S.
Wherever money can be goy you will find the international bankers. And since a war is the
best possible money source, they are always interested in provoking wars.
[H: This is a good place to remind you that ALL of the U.S. money is borrowed from the
Fed/IMF, et al.
The taxpayers funds go to pay the INTEREST ON THAT MONEY!
Moreover, YOU are paying massive interest on money that has no VALUE whatsoever
and you end up paying for it at least twice and sometimes a hundred times over. Your are
but bond-slaves, citizen. Then you pay taxes on more taxes on the things you buy or
licenses you get. Remember, that as long as a thing or right can be confiscated for any
reason, taxes or otherwise IT IS NOT YOURS!]
If these bankers dont want a war there is no credit and therefore no arms. It is that simple.
If a nation wants to go to war, it first has to ask the bankers whether of not they agree to it.
If they do agree, the armaments industry is built up with their financial support and off you
go.l Do they not agree, because it might contravene their own plans, there is no credit and
without money there are no arms and without arms there is no war.
In the case of war
though it is not a question of a few million, it concerns sums in the billions.
As I have shown in the course of this book, the money for the Bolsheviks, for the Germans
before and during the Second World War, for the Russians, for the Communist sysem and
also for Saddam Hussein always came from the same lenders.
That is why nothing is ever
accidental in politics or war.
If there is a war, it must have been planned, otherwise no funds
would have been made available. Consequently the present and future trouble spots are
wanted and perfectly planned to reafh the one overriding goal, the One World Government.
The Illuminati themselves claim that they have set up this one world government to finally
establish global peace.
It is interesting that they use war as a means to get there.
Do you think that they will change and act differently once the world government is
By their deeds ye shall know them!
Actually there is nothing to be said against a world government; it is the ultimate goal of this
planet, if only it is led by people who have the well-being of their fellow-men on their minds
and who vouch for development mentally, spiritually and above all freely, i.e. no secrets
before anyone, the right for free development for everyone by presenting the knowledge so
far held back should this be wished.
The world government that has been talked about in
this book is of the elite and for the elite only, i.e. the rest of humanity is kept unknowing and
is thus enslaved.
If you still cannot believe that those up there are not interested in what the people want,
whether they are alright, whether they survive the next war or not, then why are there no
shelters for the people except in very few countries like Switzerland?
Did you ever realize this? And the danger of a new war that might also include Germany is
very real, not just because it says so in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and in Albert