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this guy will show up suddenly, create miracles, heal people, materialize and do all kinds of
fancy stuff. [H: How is that for a good enough reason NOT to show up?]  He will be a
megastar, good-looking, charming… He will come from one of the most powerful Jewish
families, but you won’t know about it (as you don’t know that Kohl, Brandt, Roosevelt,
Truman, Carter, Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, all are of were
hidden Jews, too).  Everybody will like him.
And the main sign to recognize him will be that
he will be supported and will be made a megastar through the American-Jewish-Illuminati-
controlled TV worldwide.  The people will follow him, worship him for his “miracles” and he
will travel publicly around and unit one country after another in the UN!!!
Imagine a
megastar of magic who is capable of all sorts of “miracles” would suddenly start healing
people: millions would easily follow him.
The man-made Antichrist is a little older than me and is traveling right now.  He is not “bad”,
he’s just being used (through success, money, women, power competence, radiation,
influence, adoration) and the lower aspects of him are used by his masters to tie him up in
this game.  But he will eventually recognize that he is used.  He will realize what actually
goes on, and I’m certain that he will become conscious about himself and his real powers
and will choose to go his own constructive way.  I know about him and he knows about me,
and there are much, much higher aspects of us guiding us both.
Things are working out
fine, for every one of us.
But the Illuminati will try everything they can to make their plan happen.  And they will make
people on this planet believe that their narrow-minded belief systems have been fulfilled (the
prophesied Antichrist in the outer world).
These Christians will point to this man-made
Antichrist and won’t recognize that they have forgotten to work on themselves, on their own
egos, because that’s where the real Antichrist is.  As Jesus said: “Heaven and hell are
inside of us!”  That’s what this means.
The Illuminati will try everything to keep people in the belief that GOD is something that lives
outside of them, something they have to pray to, instead of consciously recognizing that
they ever existed out of GOD and have never been separated from Him/Her/It.
As long as
people believe this nonsense of good and evil, you will find this “game” being played on this
planet, and you will be puppets of these powers.  The Illuminati want you to believe that you
are goyim, cattle and nothing more.
They want you to believe that you are meant to be a
slave, to be used by them.
They make you believe it through the churches, their “nut
houses”, that you are the tool of some forces, be they Satan or God.  And if you believe it, it
will beome YOUR reality!
And I’m telling you right here, right now: Don’t believe this nonsense!
There is just one
power, and, besides all kinds of other nice things, this power created by two forces, positive
and negative to hold together the third dimension with its twelve overtones.  And what for?
They are here to be used by US, the MASTERS to CREATE, too!
We all are able to use the
positive and negative powers through out intuition, visualization, thoughts, feelings and
actions in a constructive way, if only we so choose.
It is up to us.
And the Illuminati were very successful in making these masters believe that they are all
slaves.  And most of them accepted it.  Poor world!
But more about the Antichrist in the last chapter.
believe the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the New Testament of Satan give an
adequate picture of the machinations used by the wire-pullers of world events.  Someone
might want to claim that this activity by the Illuminati towards world rule is unrealistic and
improbable, that the peoples of this Earth are not deceived and the masses cannot be
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