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Remember again what has been said in the Talmud:
“When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews”. (Erubin 43b).
So what does all this mean”
Well, to explain this, I have to jump ahead and state some views from the last chapter of this
To understand what life is, you have to know that life is based on the law of Cause and
Effect (in physics the Law of Oscillation).
Jesus said very clearly what this means for every
one of us (whether Illuminati or not): “To each everything happens according to his belief!”
Whatever you believe will be “reality” for you.  Jesus also said that “heaven and hell ae
inside of us!”  If we believe in Satan, in an enemy and a hell, in a force that is trying to harm
us, life will prove to us that our belief is corret.
Whatever we are believing, comfortable or
painful, life is proving to us that we are right.
Whatever the input we give into the computer,
the printer is going to print it out.
Somebody who believes that the forces of polarity – positive and negative – complement
each other and therefore can both be used in a constructive way, will be proven right in this
belief system as well.  And both are right.  (You would think somebody very stupid if he
claimed that the negative power coming out of the socket was “evil”.)
That’s what Jesus
meant with his statement.
And that’s what the Illuminati try to keep you away from – from
recognizing that it’s you who decides whether you have a happy life or not.
According to the “Law of Affinity” life is a mirror or our belief systems, whatever they are.
And because of this, life on Earth is a reflection of the belief systems its inhabitants hold on
to.  And most of the people on the Earth have been made to believe that there are two
forces fighting each other and that these forces are outside of them!
Which is absolutely
crazy, and there is nothing like it, neither in physics nor chemistry nor in magic that proves
that claim.  Jesus also said: “Look at Nature – she is like an open book”.  Do it and you will
see that everywhere in this universe all forces work together.  So, the outer world will reflect
the wrong belief pattersn to everyone.  The outer world does not distinguish between good
or bad – it just reflects what is put in.  Understand that the big game the Illuminati play is
based upon the trick to make people believe that success, love, luck, God… are all to be
found outside of them (in money, work or sex, in church or mosque, as the Christian, Muslim
or Jewish God).
Therefore you become dependent on them, get caught up in their traps.
you start getting your answers from withing yourself, through watching, recognizing, feeling
and mainly through listening to your intuition, you will get real answers, because these
answers are proven to you in life, and nobody, no power in the universe, can take away
what has been proven to you inside already.
This is important to understand the following.
[H: Readers, be VERY CAREFUL with this as we reach into the “Author’s conclusions”, for
you must have good data “in” to bring good conclusions and correct data “out” of that
“inside”.  Each “normal/ordinary” person is born in knowledge of “right” and “wrong’.
is very definitely no full definition of “good” or “bad”; however, friends, do not for one minute
believe that there is no “good” or “evil”, FOR BOTH EXIST – AND THEREIN IS THE TEST
So all the Christians and Muslims and unknowing Jews are looking on the outer for a Christ
or a Messiah (Antichrist).  And they will find an Antichrist in the outside world, the manifested
“Bad Guy”, and they will see their belief system proven.
They will be shown an “Antichirst”
made by the Illuminati to keep them in their narrow-minded “good and evil” belief system.
The Christians will say: “See I told you that I would be right!”  And they will be wrong!
This person will show uop in the “world theater” some time between 1996 and 2000.
In the
Fatima prophecy, for instance (those were E.T.s, too) and in other revelations it is said tha
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