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SECRET SOCIETIES, which we are about to look into, are the mightiest tool for sowing
discord among the people.  At the same time people are constantly involved in wars
amongst themselves that eventually they will tire of it and will “plead” for
And here we see the plan.
The “beneficial organization” will be called upon to end the
conflict. And who is this on this planet?
The UN!  Let us see who is actually behind the UN.
The “Illuminati” mentioned here are not just anybody, they are the richest people in the
They never appear on TV or in other media, since they not only own and therefore control all
the mass media, but also the news agencies.  And if ever something gets to be known about
them, it is either neutral or positive.
The largest part of the population does not even know their names.  And the authors who
already uncovered some of their machinations never became famous, although they should
have been awarded the Nobel prize.
It would be good to stand up against this, but how can 6 billion people fight against
something they don’t even know exists?
It is a fact that almost the same number of people are so caught up in their own personal
“problems” they never had – or lost in the meantime – the over-all view of what happens in
the world and around them.
The majority is suffering from “political frustration” and have
therefore pulled out.  Lack of time, failing interest, and insufficient discrimination because of
lack in specialized knowledge, have led to this “abstinence”.
But pulling out will not
change anything here, on the contrary, this is what our “helmsmen” want.
Every single one
giving up makes it easier for them to reach their goal.
Thus the first thing to do is to gain
knowledge of these goings-on.
And as a great world teacher said:
“Find Truth, for Truth will set you free!”
One could divide humanity into three types:
Those who cause things to happen.
Those who just watch what happens.
Those who are surprised at what has happened.
For this reason, this book is “my” contribution to bring some of these happenings to light.  It
tries to pass on the knowledge about some of the things that have been kept secret by the
people who pull the strings upon this planet.
The reader shall be enabled, if he just found
himself under item 3, to at least advance to item 2, if not to item 1!
As the author of this book I am not representing any interest group, religious sect or nation.
am a human being upon this planet Earth who claims his right to freedom and free
development in order to fulfill his task here.  And as I very much value peace among the
nations and in human relations – just as a large segment of humanity does, hopefully – I see
it as my personal responsibility to at least present this information to my fellow men to
enable them to make their own decisions.
The following should not just be swallowed without chewing first, as one would the stories
that are served to us daily in the media.
would recommend that superficial people who are happy with things as they are, close the
book right here.  But those who are used to looking behind the scenes may find a few far-
reaching and challenging stimuli revealed.
If we see ourselves as real “finders” of truth and not just as life-long “seekers”, we should
grasp any possibility to gain new knowledge, to test and eventually accept it.
This could
mean that if our mind is full of accepted views, opinions, dogmas or a set view of the world
there is no more room for further TRUTH and that perhaps truth looks quite different from
what we imagined.
This is why I am asking to here, at the outset, to remain open.
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