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hinder any research, to confuse the “curious” and put them on the wrong track.
They use
Christians and Jews, fascists and communists, Zionists and Mormons, atheists and
Satanists, the poor and the rich…EVERYONE!
Above all though, they use the ignorant, the lazy, the uninterested and uncritical.
Among insiders, these persons are called “ILLUMINATI” (the enlightened ones, the
initiates), Big Brother, the invisible government, the Grey Men, the shadow government, the
secret government, the establishment…
As far as I know, the so-called “Illuminati” started their dealings on this world about
300,000 B.C., when the “BROTHERHOOD OF THE SNAKE” in Mesopotamia, was infiltrated
by the group of people we call “Illuminati” today and was misused for their negative aims.
is not only possible, but, very likely, that this drama had started much earlier, at the time
when the “ego” developed.  But because of the work of the “Brotherhood of the Snake” we
can trace this activity back to a time in history which was followed by groups like Jews,
Christians, Freemasons or other religious sects only 3,000 generations later.
Today, this
“game” is played, among others, by a few members of the Zionist community, as the book
will show, but it has neither started with them nor will it end with them.
What had started
way back then is today still following the same rules.
It suffices therefore to look into the
present situation to recognize where the problems are.
If one wants to categorize the thought or belief system of the Illuminati at all, then
perhaps one has to choose “Machiavellism” which justifies power politics without ethical
standards, thence: political unscrupulousness.
An example: POWER
You are the new king of a country and you want to make sure to remain king.  So
you call two persons to you, one after the other, of whom you are sure that they would do as
The first one you educate according to “leftist” principles and you give him funds to
set up a party.
The second you also finance, but you ask him to found a “right wing” party.
Now you have established two opposing parties, you finance propaganda, elections,
activities and thus you always know their plans.  You control them both.  If you want one of
them to be ahead, you just give them more funds than the other.  Both leaders think you’re
on their side, and you are the “friend” of both.
The people will be so caught-up in the to-ing and fro-ing of “left” and “right” that they
will never suspect that you as their king might be behind the dispute.
The people will even ask you for help and advice.
In the American Civil War (1861-1865) the Northern States (who opposed slavery)
fought the Southern States (who were for slavery).
Before the war the ROTHSCHILD family had agents stir up pro-union feelings in the
Northern States.
Other agents, though, at the same time fanned secessionist feeling in the
Southern states.
When the war started The London Rothschild bank financed the North and The Paris
Rothschild bank the South.
The only real winners in this war were the ROTHSCHILDS.
To summarize the system:
One creates conflicts where people fight each other and not the true instigator.
One is never seen as the instigator of the conflicts
One supports all warring parties.
One is seen as the “benefactor” who  could end the conflict.
Since the “illuminati” want to attain world power, their way to achievement is to sow as much
discord as possible between the people and nations of the world so these will be caught up
in a net of misinformation and will never find out who is really behind it all.  The international
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