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should marry the daughter of Baron Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisze (also member of the
Committee of 300).
The author sees a link between the purported Habsburg history, the
666 deciphering of Karl von Habsburg’s name and of the Revelation.
By the way, the Habsburgers are in possession of the spear with which the Roman
centurion Gaius Cassius had pierced the side of Jesus.  Around the myth of this spear
several thousand pages have been written (among them Trevor Ravenscroft: The Spear of
Whether the events concerning the family of Jesus did actually happen this way or not, the
Catholic Church has something to hide and reacts very sensitively – probably they secret
pertinent documents.
The question whether Jesus was a father or not is by itself
unimportant because it won’t change anything in today’s world, except perhaps for some
possible descendants or some fanatical so-called faithful who confound the person with the
importance of his teaching, who do not succeed in translating their faith into action.
There is
big difference between believing in Christianity and practicing it.
don’t claim that Karl von Habsburg is unmasked by the numerological value of his name as
the “Antichrist”.
This was taken as an example of one way of looking at the number 666,
and there are many more people who have that number.  So do not create a new enemy
Yet it could be that he is still to take up a key position; remember that the
Habsburg dynasty belongs to the Black Nobility as well as to the Committee of 300.  Just be
alert about what goes on around you while you spiritually develop further.  That the so-called
Antichrist is not to be found externally will be further discussed in the chapter “What Can We
further example yet, in the Old Testament (1 Kings 10:14)
“The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents.”
People of the Thule-Gesellschaft had interpreted thus: Since 666 is – next to 333 and 999 –
also a gold standard, and since in Revelation 13:18 it is said that the Beast, whose name is
666 and who causes everyone to have the mark on the right hand or on the forehead, is the
That the number 666 has to do with the bar codes, the credit card systems, with banks then
and with money, is clearly shown by the fact that the number of the code of the World Bank
number is 666.  Or that the cards of the Australian banks in Bombay is coded 666.  New
American credit cards now also show a 666.
The Olivetti computer system “P 6060” uses
numbers starting with 666.  Computer receipts all over America have a group of grey dots
on them surrounding the number 666.  Every Israeli lottery ticket has the number 666
stamped on.
The international line access code in Israel is 666, etc.
Rockefeller’s EXXON is also interesting:
X   X   O
5   6
6   5
The double cross which is formed by the two combined X’s in EXXON (have a look at their
emblem) is an old symbol of the Scottish Rite as well as of Satan worshippers.
But there is still another meaning to the 666, the most important one in my view, of which I
have not fond mention in any other book so far:
Who introduced and uses the credit cards in the world?  The banks.
Not the little ones, but
the big ones.  And who are the big international bankers?
The Khazar-Jewish ones – the
OK.  And who are the Jews (especially the Talmudists) waiting for?
The Messiah!
And why are they waiting of the Messiah?  Because the Talmud tells them: “When the
Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews!”  (Erubin 43b)
This Messiah must be a very nice guy, if he wants to make you and me to be slaves of the
Jews.  Let’s have a look whether there is any “proof” to this anywhere.  As you know,
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